Translation Manchester

Progressing translational research across Greater Manchester as part of a Wellcome Trust initiative.


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Translation Manchester brings together a network of support, facilities and expertise to make the pathway to translation quicker and easier.

Translational research is the process by which basic scientific research is translated into patient-focused research that improves healthcare and wellbeing within society.

Successful translational research relies on collaborations and multidisciplinary working. Translation Manchester aims to:

  • enable research progression across all stages of the translational pathway;
  • facilitate new and productive connections between academic researchers, the clinical workforce and industry;
  • raise the profile of translational research at the University and associated Greater Manchester NHS trusts;
  • support researchers in overcoming the barriers and bottlenecks encountered in their translational research.

View our PowerPoint presentation (1.88MB) to find out more.




About us

Learn how we support translation research across the University.


Access essential skills to support the progression of translational research.

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Find out about our Translation Manchester Accelerator Awards annual funding call.


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Translational research pathway

The pathway can be applied to any functional healthcare intervention including medical procedures and devices, treatment and drug development pathways, diagnostic tests and imaging, software development, education, training and lifestyle changes.



Discovery research

Translatable, pre-clinical research

  • D1: No clinical, practical or commercial application
  • D2: Disease focus
  • D3: Practical outcome
  • D4: Optimisation

Clinical research

Translational, patient-centred research

  • T1: First tests with humans
  • T2: Statistical relevance reached
  • T3: Evaluated more widely

Improved health

Changes to healthcare, practice or treatment

  • T4: Adopted by population health and policy
