Translation Manchester Accelerator Awards 2024
Funded by the Wellcome Translational Partnership Award (TPA), the NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre (BRC), and by the 2022-25 MRC UKRI Impact Accelerator Award (IAA) we run an annual Translation Manchester Accelerator Awards call. Please note that this year only the C4T scheme will run.
We are pleased to announce that our 2024 funding call – Translation Manchester Accelerator Awards (TMAA) is now open. The TMAA call brings together institutional (Wellcome Translational Partnership Award and MRC IAA) and NIHR Manchester BRC translational research funding streams under one umbrella, allowing academics to access funding from a number of sources via the one application process.
The overall aim of the call is to facilitate progression of research projects along the translational pathway, unlocking bottlenecks, and bringing the University’s innovations closer to patient impact. The TMAA call consists of four funding schemes.
For general guidance on the funding schemes please refer to our FAQs document which will be released soon. If you need support beyond the TMAA call remit or outside the call timelines, get in touch with us at translation@manchester.ac.uk as we might have additional resources (Flexible Funding Scheme) we can support you with.
Currently, only the Confidence for Translation (C4T) scheme is open for applications. Information on the other pages refers to last year’s calls.
For details on each scheme, including deadlines for applications, please visit the dedicated pages linked below:
Access To Expertise (A2E)
Provides up to £25k to access expertise in order to unlock specific bottlenecks within a translational research project. Expertise must be external to the applicant’s research group. Call now closed
Access To Tissue (A2T)
Provides up to £10k to access tissue samples from one of the biobanks in the Translation Manchester Research Network. Provision of tissues must enable the project to progress alongside the translational pathway. Call now closed
Confidence 4 Translation (C4T)
Provides up to £75k to help progress translational research projects alongside the translational pathway. Projects at any stage of the translational pathway are welcome to apply. Call now OPEN.
Translation for ECRs (T4E)
Provides up to £5k to Early Career Researchers for independent research projects in the translational space. The award can support gathering of data for external fellowship applications and grants. Call now closed