HInM: ERDF R&I Health Accelerator Events
The ERDF R&I Health Accelerator project is delivering a by invitation-only a two-part event for SMEs.
About this event:
Part 1 – Accessing health data – Wednesday 27 April 2022 (12:30-14:00)
If your SME is likely to need access to health data for your innovation, this is a must attend event. Health data and tissue are essential for clinical trials, feasibility studies, health economic models and many other activities that companies launching products and services in life sciences need. They are also essential to access to validate a value proposition or comply with regulatory requirements.
Often, SMEs don’t know where to access different types of health data and tissue or about the organisation that might be able to help, in a way that is compliant with the different authorities.
This session will provide SMEs with an overview and understanding of the patient data landscape, highlighting ways to access data, the benefits that this can bring for health and care, alongside the key organisations involved.
Agenda for 27th April
- Welcome and Introduction – Daniel Zamora
- A brief overview of MIDAS – Sarah Mahon
- UK Biobank Data – Access and how apply to use the resource – Lauren Carson PhD
- Health data for evaluating interventions and clinical trials – Julie Millar
- University of Manchester access to health data and expertise – collaborations with Industry – Professor Goran Nenadic
- Discussion and Q&A – Chaired by Daniel Zamora
Part 2 – Accessing human tissue and samples – Thursday 28 April 2022 (12:30-14:00)
If your SME is likely to need access to tissue for your innovation, this is a must attend event. Health data and tissue are essential for clinical trials, feasibility studies, health economic models and many other activities that companies launching products and services in life sciences need. They are also essential to access to validate a value proposition or comply with regulatory requirements.
Often, SMEs don’t know where to access different types of health data and tissue or about the organisation that might be able to help, in a way that is compliant with the different authorities.
This session will provide SMEs with an overview and understanding of key biorepositories within Greater Manchester, the process, and routes for companies to access biosamples, and ways to identify the right repository and sample type for your research.
Agenda for 28th April
- Welcome and Introduction – Daniel Zamora & Lloyd Gregory
- Translation Manchester and its role in unblocking bottlenecks to research translation – Lloyd Gregory
- UK Biobank – Lauren Carson
- Key GM Biobanks:
- MFT – Jay Brown
- NCARC – Rob Oliver
- Brain Tumor – Federico Roncaroli
- Brain Bank – Andrew Robinson
- MCRC – Jane Rogan
- ManARTs – Helen Francis
- DiTA Sampling Platform – Annie Yarwood
- Q&A and Group Discussion – All
- Next Steps & Close – Daniel Zamora & Lloyd Gregory