Gateway to Translation Webinar: CN-BIO

by | May 15, 2024 | Gateway 2 Translation Webinars, Past events, Videos | 0 comments

The “Gateway to Translation” (G2T) webinar series is a joint initiative between the University of Cambridge (Cambridge Academy of Therapeutic Sciences, CATS) and the University of Manchester (Translation Manchester).

The aim of these monthly webinars is to stimulate the translation of research into the clinics by educating academics about trends, technologies and research in the commercial sphere and by facilitating collaborations between academia and the medtech, biotech and pharma industry sectors. Recordings from previous webinars are available here.

Dr Atefeh Mobasseri
Field Application Scientist at CN Bio Ltd.

The May webinar of this series, hosted by Cambridge Academy of Therapeutic Sciences (CATS), was on Wednesday 22nd May 2-3pm (via Zoom). Our guest speaker was Dr Atefeh Mobasseri, Field Application Scientist at CN Bio Ltd. CN Bio is a leading organ-on-a-chip (OOC) company that enables researchers to improve the accuracy and efficiency of preclinical drug discovery. The name of the talk: “Taking Organoids to the Next Level: State of Art Organ-on-a-chip Technology.”

Topic:Taking Organoids to the Next Level: State of Art Organ-on-a-chip Technology
Guest Speaker: Dr Atefeh Mobasseri (Field Application Scientist at CN-Bio)
Date and Time: Wednesday 22nd May, 2-3pm

The webinar was chaired by Prof Matthias Zilbauer, MD PhD, Clinical Professor of Paediatric Gastroenterology University of Cambridge, Group Leader in Cambridge Stem Cell Institute.

Click to learn more about the speaker

Atefeh is Field Application Scientist at CN Bio, has an extensive background in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Before joining CN Bio, she gained a PhD in Biomedical materials from the University of Manchester and carried out postdoctoral roles at the University of Manchester and Kings College London investigating the interaction, and effect, of 3D scaffolds on cellular behaviour. Since joining CN Bio, she has been supporting their customers in using CN Bio’s range of microfluidic systems to generate high content, human-relevant, data.

Watch a recording from the event below: