Translation Manchester Seminar Series – September 2021
This Series of Seminars is a unique opportunity for you to connect with Translation Manchester Research Network (TMRN) partners and hear how they can help support and progress translational research projects. The growing network includes organisations from across the University, Greater Manchester NHS Trusts and industry. With network members supporting projects at each phase of the translational research pathway, this is your opportunity to meet them and develop future collaborations.
The latest of these monthly seminars was held virtually on the 22nd September 13:00-14:00. Speakers were Emma Hatton & Denise Davidson from the Research Impact Team and Lynne MacRae from Research Governance and Ethics.
Research Impact Team
Impact is the benefit research has (or has the potential to achieve) for any non-academic audience, be they industrial, governmental or the general public. The cross-university team of Impact Officers support researchers in planning and realising the impact of their research. We can help with the impact sections of grant applications, evaluating impact, gathering evidence of impact, engaging external stakeholders, communicating impact and formulating REF impact cases. We work closely with a range of research support functions across the university and can help to signpost researchers accordingly.
Research Governance and Ethics
The Faculty Research Governance Team (RGT) support researchers undertaking clinical and health related research in the NHS, particularly when applying for ethical or regulatory approvals. Acting on behalf of the University as Research Governance Sponsor, we work closely with University and Trust colleagues to provide practical guidance and advice as well as sign-post to other areas of expertise. The aim of all our activities are to ensure that researchers are clear on what they need to do and that they and the University meet the requirements associated with NHS research. We support staff and student researchers except where the research falls under the clinical trial regulations for investigational medicinal products or medical devices. Such clinical trials would fall under the remit of our colleagues in the University’s Clinical Trial Team.
Watch the video of the event below, slides are available on request.